Eaglestone SDVM

Eaglestone SDVM

Globalization is leading to a progressive integration of Sub-Saharan African countries into the global economy.
Eaglestone SDVM

Our Approach

Eaglestone – Sociedade Distribuidora de Valores Mobiliários, S.A. (“Eaglestone SDVM”) is an Angolan company that is part of the Eaglestone Group. It is a public limited company incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Angola and is registered with CMC under nº 05/SDVM/CMC/12-2023, since December 19, 2023.

Globalization is leading to a progressive integration of Sub-Saharan African countries into the global economy. This strong momentum in Africa and a trend towards regional integration are the catalysts for the development of the regional capital markets.

As domestic financial markets get more sophisticated and barriers to capital flows become less severe, the risk appetite for this emerging region increases. In recent years, several sub-Saharan African countries entered the sovereign bond market at very competitive levels while markets are progressively more attractive to corporate bonds. On the other hand, the appetite for equities is rising, despite the low liquidity of local markets.

Eaglestone SDVM will aim to provide innovative products to local players taking advantage of our international presence and expertise. Eaglestone has in-house capacity to originate, structure and distribute financial products, acting as a reference player to provide exposure to Sub-Saharan Africa.

Open access to Eaglestone Research Reports, promoting Eaglestone as a preferred entity to do business in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Eaglestone's strategy for African capital markets is supported by the company's commitment to Africa as an entity focused on the promotion of growth for this region by facilitating and enhancing foreign investment.

Eaglestone SDVM


Origination, Structuring and Placement of Bonds (Sovereign Bonds, Corporate Bonds, and Commercial Paper, for both Cross Border or domestic markets.

Origination, Structuring and Placement of Shares - IPO's, Privatizations, Public Offerings, targeting both Cross Border and domestic markets.

Develop and structure tailor-made products for investors and corporate clients.

Trading, clearance and custody of securities on behalf of Eaglestone clients.

Support capital market activity, provide valuable insight on countries, sectors or companies in SSA and contribute for the brand awareness.
