The constitution of Fundinvest - Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado ("Fund"), was authorized by the Angolan Capital Markets Commission ("CMC") on 31/03/2022, having started its activity on 07/06/2022, with the realization of the first subscription of participation units.
The initial subscription considered the issuance of 660,170 units, with a face value of AKZ 100,000 each, which amounted to an initial subscription of AKZ 66,017,000,000.
The Fund has a determined duration of 10 (ten) years, counted from the date of its constitution (07/06/2022), renewable for periods not exceeding 5 (five) years.
The Fund is managed by Eaglestone Capital – SGOIC, S.A. and is authorized to provide all the services described in the Securities Code combined with Presidential Legislative Decree No. 7/13 of October 11 on the Legal Regime of Collective Investment Undertakings and other regulations.
As described in the Fund's Management Regulations, it will guide its investment policy in the following areas:
The Fund's assets may be invested in:
The properties held by the Fund correspond to urban properties and/or autonomous fractions of them held in property rights, surface rights, or through other rights of equivalent content, located in Angola.
The Fund permanently holds at least 75% of its total assets invested in real estate.